Revolt at Carcino
Chapter 10A
Map Data
Player | Enemy | NPC |
12+4 | 34+17-1 | 3-3 |
Boss Data
PabloLevel 7
Class | Inventory |
HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res | Con |
37 | 14 | 10 | 13 | 9 | 7 | 18 | 7 |

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Obtainable Items
Item | Source |
Dropped by enemy Archer | |
Dropped by enemy Soldier | |
Dropped by enemy Mercenary | |
Dropped by enemy Fighter (drops unequipped item) | |
Dropped by enemy Fighter (drops unequipped item) | |
Dropped by enemy Priest | |
Dropped by Pablo | |
Steal from enemy Myrmidon | |
Steal from enemy Pegasus Knight (reinforcement) |
- Before the player phase of turns 2 to 5: 2 Brigands spawn from the eastern mountains (Appendix 1).
- Before the next player phase after Marisa is recruited: 3 Pegasus Knights spawn from the northwest (Hard Mode only); 1 Falcon Knight, 4 Pegasus Knights spawn from the southwest; 1 Ranger, 3 Cavaliers spawn from the southeast (Appendix 2).

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